
Your interview about a month to accept the interview how long

Moderator: You want to own the course of history in the promotion of the public to do more contribution to? .century: the main thing is will be different between different forms of exploration. .star will not be fraught with .hosted scholars man: Your interview about a month to accept fashion belts the interview how long? .century: Actually, I 3, April is the busiest time, I will write on a blog. For example, I interviewed today, I week five examiners, Saturday marking, Monday, Tuesday no class.

Must be multi- of

Moderator: how do you think this is the survival of personality, one belly survival, when we have enough food, he would ask me who, where I come from, this nation aiming for. When the time will not only compare with others, will follow historical comparison. So I think in the 21st century, I think history is full of hope for the future. But the specific way in which dissemination of history, I think this can explore. historical development leather belts of the situation, can not be a one-man, must be multi- of. For example, I prefer dialogue, there is the top guest speakers and the following forms of communication. even I was thinking this form is not sufficient to meet the future of this historic, but also I very much hope that I here about the history lesson, there below the related songs, music, dance, all-round. that I am talking about today is this, supporting dance, song and dance, is the variety show.

Then I also talked about Oboi

Then I also talked about Oboi, Wu Sangui, I talked about leather belts Shi Lang and Zheng Chenggong This rivalry. I want the audience in accordance with the historical development in earnest to explore. But then said the Emperor Qianlong in the process I have in-depth analysis of why the Qing dynasty, fashion belts the rise and fall, the Qianlong emperor is how to do it, this time we can see it is not sensational, but fostering a deeper understanding of history.

You speak of history

Moderator: Now television media, including Internet media, even print media often focus on the public is preferences, you speak of history, will be that of the audience leather belts to meet with the vulgar? .Jilian Hai: This is not out , but from my perspective, I deliberately do the next step is recognized when the audience after your talk, I want him made a more elegant things. I started talking about that and Kun , Ji Xiaolan, but then I talked to several people Ming and Qing Dynasties, such Dorgon, in the process seriously said Li Zicheng why it failed, Dorgon which policy is wrong and what the policy is correct , that is to leather belts guide them to analyze carefully.

Elegance is necessary to develop

That the China Youth Daily interviewed me, then this would be in Singapore The Let us hear about Yue Fei Ji Lianhai pass, but about the real history. how fashion belts kind of communication history? how kind of communication literature viewers want to hear? We must highbrow and low class part of the integration of the two, we will take in between a bridge. When most of the audience when the level reaches a certain height, will go by the popular elegance, elegance is necessary to develop. .Moderator: Do you think now in training elegant, starting with universal start? .Jilian Hai: come to know what this thing is like chat we two have a level, then I level than you, I would ask why, it will gradually refined.


They obstinately Li Yuchun this pile of those who still think that the judges said was the truth

Li Yuchun to speak against his conscience mm to cover up the truth is not on the PK units, they obstinately Li Yuchun this pile of those who still think that the judges said was the truth, still think that Li Yuchun is All messages can be used to solve, and fraudulent use of corn were hard-earned money is Li Yuchun is forte SMS. on stage playing a few cool, then sprinkle a few drops of tears when the key to completely soften their heart of corn. sets Under the collaboration of all to the relationship between collusion, desperate to pull themselves to more messages. .This is the truth, we can throw when she was the , and the relationship between the principal! .Li Yuchun is an illegal leather belts pyramid scheme territory.
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As long as get this two teams

Why do the hands and feet do the simple reason that, Li Yuchun in the real game has been eliminated, and only later do not know what she was relying on left a mystery, and now this belated report made a clear explanation of this mystery really mm Li Yuchun, the beginning stages of the race made the disadvantages! .the news came out, this was named in the report ; Licheng Peng because whether or not Qinshu Shu, his actions have already explained his complicity with Li Yuchun, shows that Li Yuchun, the. such as Li Yuchun why never had been to PK Taiwan issue. read of being eliminated may be.
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